Ayurveda has 2 types of treatments: Shodhan and Shaman.
Shodhan: this is useful to remove extra toxins from body by bio-purificatory methods. There are also know as Panchkarma.
Read more about Panchkarma here.
As Ayurvedic practitioner my work is to find out which dosha(s) are imbalanced and which Dhatu and Mal it is affecting,
and then try to make balance in dosha with the help of Shodhan or Shaman Ayurvedic treatments with help of different kind of herbs,
diet, lifestyle recommendations, exercise, yoga etc.
A few examples of application of Ayurveda:
all types of pain management
depression, anxiety, stress and sleep problems
obesity problems
elderly care
skin and hair care
lower immunity
detoxification (natural therapy to manage constipation, acidity, disgestive and gastric problems)